On the Job Training

Start Your Career Today

We offer you an opportunity to earn as you learn.
You will learn work skills, and gain work experience to obtain a
satisfying career with a purpose to make a difference in the world.

Job Skills Trainer

Job skills trainer will provide on-the-job training to people who have some disabilities.

Part time and Full time . $20-$23. per hour


Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing, Behavior Intervention, Administrative Support, Social Worker. Human Resource, Accounting,

Part-time · Non-Paid

Our job coaches will train you at a work site of your chose:


Providing you with opportunities to gain paid work experience in your field of interest. This can include internships, apprenticeships, on-the-job training, or temporary work assignments.

Matching individuals with employers and job opportunities that align with their skills, interests, and career goals. This involves assessing individuals’ strengths and needs, understanding employer requirements, and facilitating the hiring process.

Continuous support to you throughout your job search and after you secure employment for retention, transitions and advancements.

Providing on-the-job training and development opportunities to enhance individuals’ job-related skills including hardskills, and soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management.

Offering flexible working conditions to accommodate individuals’ schedules and needs such as part-time options, flexible start and end times, and remote work possibilities, where applicable. We will work with you and the employer to find a schedule that works for everyone.